Kentucky Real Estate Inspectors Association (KREIA)
KREIA is devoted to protecting the public in the state of Kentucky through excellence in home inspections and advancing the profession of inspecting homes.
Currently, Alex Lockstead is the Secretary on the Board of Directors for KREIA. This association has done much to promote the professionalism of the home inspection industry in Kentucky by providing excellent continuing eduation and by maintaining vigil over the legislative requirements of the profession and the collective needs of home inspectors.
Likewise, KREIA advances the public interest in professional home inspection, through education, improving standards and advocacy. It is crucial for the public to be able to rely on a home inspection report when so many other influences, including contracts and other agreements, may depart from, or introduce other concerns aside from, unequivocally dedicated, undivided loyalty to the client alone. Only home inspectors provide such services. KREIA recognizes they do so at comparatively economical prices for the service provided.
To learn more about KREIA, visit their website.